I think the shots were really good and the editing fit the genre of the song. So overall I feel it was a success for the genre. The overlapping shots of Jocelin worked really well. The eye shot looked nice because it was abstract and stood out which worked really well. The shot where Jocelin is in a fuzzy TV edit looks interesting because it is different edit style. I think the location of the stage worked well, specially the cage bit because the cage bars were completely out of focus so the audience were focusing on Jocelin. I think the shots filmed in Jocelin's studio worked really well with the rap bits because it fits with the rap genre being in a studio.
I think more shots of a woman presence would have added a better fitting narrative to the video and the song.I also think I could have had a variety of more shots. If I had more time I would of filmed more shots for example of a woman whose face would not be seen, only her hair or other facial features to create an enigma. I would like to have one more performance of Jocelin possibly performing the song down a street because its urban and that fits the genre. I would have liked to re-edit a bit where the lip synching seems out of synch. I don't think all of it should have been in black & white, I thought it looked a bit pretentious and it lost its appeal after the rough draft.
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