Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Our Target Audience

This is a picture of our target audience who look like party goers
We are targeting to Male and Females between 19-30 and we decided that most of these people around these age probably have a job so when they get home they will probably want to get out of the work mind set so they will want to do something kooky and silly so that is why we show strange but funny things for the to un-whined so our ident will also respond to this as there is a guy in suit (coming back from work) seeing someone who is strange and then he joins in being strange by playing music from his briefcase.

Live type Title

We used a program called livetype were i designed our title for the Grid, the colours I used were pink and black because I like those combination of colours and they appeal to a wide variety of people, as girls like pink and boys like black. The font I used for it is called Rip tape and i got it from www,Dafont.com we had done some research before were we recreated a simialr effect with masking tape to see how it looked and we both agreed it was good, the reason I chose this is because the effect gives a kinda of urban culture feel. The effect I used to make an entrance with the words is called Text Static in this they glide in and also jump out towards the front give it an uneasy feel. Then the next effect is called random snap were it all goes into place an a random order on top of this effect is a red flash to give some more urban culture because it seems like a police siren and then to finish it off we give a simple fade away. all this with a a black background.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Casting decision for ident 1, ident 2 and ident 3

(left) Craig Hawker
(right) George Haywood

The reason I have chosen these two is because George looks and acts like a party animal which fits his character well because the character has just come back from a party, Craig is good for the part because he wears glasses which will make him seem smart which will work well with his character who is a business man who is on his way home from work.
I have also chosen these people because they both do the course and easy to get to for filming which makes them more accessible at the right times.

Storyboards for ident 1 (The Train Journey)

On screen graphics ident 1, ident 2 and ident 3

Spider Diagram

Shooting Schedule for ident 1 (Train Journey)

Ident Report (Annotated)

Ident Research

Ident Pic Research 3 Ident Pic Research 4 Ident Pic Research 5
George and I decided that our best idea for an ident is the one where there is a man in a suit sitting on a train. A man in a camel suit comes in and sits next to him, after a while the guy in the suit opens his suitcase, pulls some head phones out and starts playing drum and bass music loudly from his suitcase. This is the best one of our ideas as it fits our target of men/ women who work all day and joke around and have fun whenever there not in work. I think the strange parts we will use (including black and white shots with colour on one side) will make the piece interesting, original and exciting.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

ident music possible for ident 1, ident 2 and ident 3

This is the possible music for when the guy in suit plays music from his briefcase because we decided that we would use drum n bass music because it is party music and our chosen audience are the people who like to party but perhaps needs to be faster to recreate the party/rave atmosphere. the beginning of the song is classical i put this in to be like the guy in the suit but when the drum and bass goes in it supposed to show the fussion between classic and drum and bass

Music for ident

I used garage band to find our song for the bit where the guy in the suit starts to play music from his breifcase.
Me and George had decided we wanted a fast track.
But there was no fast drum beats so this is what I did instead