Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Advert research in books and magazines

This one is giving a brief description of advertising has popularized over the years due to certain historic events such as the Second World War
The article is about how adverts have expanded to film topics to try and get film buffs and genre lovers to buy the product because they like certain genres of films.
This is article about Barnardos who released a series of ad campaigns to raise awareness of children who are less fortunate and how the ads were band because of 400 or more complaints from the general public

MTV Research in books and magazines

This article is basically talking about MTV, how it originated and how it was first not taken seriously, how it has changed the face of the music industry all together.
This is from the thesaurus inside a Media Studies book, this is the 'M" section and MTV has a breif description on this page.
 This article is about how MTV began and how there was controversy because they didn't show many black artists on the channel and how they claimed that they weren't racist.



Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Edit decisions list

Taylor's Edit Decision List

Presentation On music academy

Revisions, decisions and results on filming

Revisions: I had decided to get one of my friends Perry Reid who is year 13 who does music and I was also going to use George Haywood as the teacher by putting him in a suit and tie. The reason I choose these two because they are easily accessible and Perry knows music well so he would of been perfect for the student.
Decisions: I decided to change this because I wanted it too be more real so I have changed my original cast from Perry Reid and George Haywood to Julian Fogan-King and George Blewitt because George Blewitt is an actual year 12 student in the music department and Julian Fogan-King is a music teacher
Results: After changing the cast the video, I've noticed that the footage looks like actual footage of a real lesson as the teacher looks like he really is helping the student instead of acting like he knows what his talking about.

Rushes Log for Advert

Rushes Log for Advert

Casting decisions

Casting Decisions:
For the student I decided to get a student from the music department whilst they were in a lesson and  I decided on George Blewitt because he had already had a project opened on his computer.
For the teacher I decided to use the actual teacher for the lesson that George was in. The teachers name is Julian Fagan-King. I wanted the characters to be real so I used actual students and teachers.

All Three Animatics

Storyboards For Music Academy advert

Band Performance Idea 1(Above)

             Interviewing students Idea 2(Below and to the right)

The Ballad (Left and below)

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Storyboards for Home-less

location for Homeless

This location is in Kingston by the river, this will work perfectly as this is exactly where I would imagine homeless people to live. Urban and rotting.

Lay Down

Lay Down Prez

Note Cards on Lay Down Presentation

Choosing my best idea

The idea I have chosen is the one were the artist is at his own concert performing his song to the audience but we never see the audience, it is also in black & white.
I have chosen this idea because it is simple, easy to make and effective. This is because it will portray my artist as an emotional person and it fits the genre of the music he creates with the style of lighting and post production effects I plan to use.

All the questionnaires that were answered

 These are all the survey that were given out and answered. What I gathered from this information was that the between the ages of 15-18 the most popular channel is E4 and the favourite program is Big Bang Theory so this would be around the best time to show our advert as our demographic is most likely to be watching at this time.

spider diagram

Location idea for Lockdown

This location is inside a power station, this works perfectly because it looks heavy duty and this is perfect how I imagined it because it has the screen and loads off buttons that looks important.

Initial ideas/ sketch plan

I have chosen to do the theme of "Working class." people as this will best relate to my demographic so in each of my ideas it will be working class people unwinding and relaxing.
These are my three ideas relating to the theme of working class.

Spider diagrams for 3 advert ideas

Synopsis of ideas 1,2 and 3

Synopsis of Ideas

Changes made to the story

I have made a small change to my original plans, I have decided that it would be best to cut the story-line out of the couple who are arguing with each other about the relationship. The reason being is before I decided that the girl is the one who is acting out what the lyrics are saying but I noticed that the lyrics don't speak through a girls point of view so that wouldn't make sense. It was also getting extremely difficult to have the story make sense when there is no dialogue between the characters so the audience wouldn't understand why and what they were arguing about. I also think this will be better because Jocelin (the singer) will seem more alone then if we had this story line going through it because he has no one to relate too so the audience really feel sorry for him.