Friday, 16 December 2011

Location Visit Sheet

Taylor's Location Visit Sheet

Risk assessment

Taylor's Risk Assessment

shooting Schedule

Lay Down Shooting Schedule



Props and costume

For the Artist he will be wearing jeans, a white tie and a purple tie (possibly a grey blazer). As for props he will have a microphone stand,microphone and a black guitar. The reason he is wearing this costume because it half and half between smart and casual this will imply that he works hard but can have down time too.

The couple will be dressed in whatever they are wearing as I want them to look real and not fake so they look like an authentic couple. the props will most probably be their phones as the story is based around a text message that ruins things.

Casting Decisions

The artist will played by the actual performer and writer ( Jocelin Francis) of the song so copyright was not a problem for me as he gave me his permission.
Jocelin will be wearing a long sleeved shirt with no tie, grey trousers and canvas shoes when his performing on stage.
When he is recording the track he will be wearing a grey jumper, a t-shirt and a scarf on his tops, this will be the only costume in shot.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Treatment for Lay Down

Taylor's TreatmentThe reason I need all these things is because it will help me best show my client that i have planned every detail and I am professional in what I ask for such as the Sony HDV Z1E, a monitor, Final Cut Pro HD etc. I also need to stick to this budget as if I go over the budget I have promised my client will not be pleased as it shows I have planned it properly and this may jeopardize future projects with my client.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Taylor's Proposal

My three ideas