Friday, 16 December 2011

Location Visit Sheet

Taylor's Location Visit Sheet

Risk assessment

Taylor's Risk Assessment

shooting Schedule

Lay Down Shooting Schedule



Props and costume

For the Artist he will be wearing jeans, a white tie and a purple tie (possibly a grey blazer). As for props he will have a microphone stand,microphone and a black guitar. The reason he is wearing this costume because it half and half between smart and casual this will imply that he works hard but can have down time too.

The couple will be dressed in whatever they are wearing as I want them to look real and not fake so they look like an authentic couple. the props will most probably be their phones as the story is based around a text message that ruins things.

Casting Decisions

The artist will played by the actual performer and writer ( Jocelin Francis) of the song so copyright was not a problem for me as he gave me his permission.
Jocelin will be wearing a long sleeved shirt with no tie, grey trousers and canvas shoes when his performing on stage.
When he is recording the track he will be wearing a grey jumper, a t-shirt and a scarf on his tops, this will be the only costume in shot.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Treatment for Lay Down

Taylor's TreatmentThe reason I need all these things is because it will help me best show my client that i have planned every detail and I am professional in what I ask for such as the Sony HDV Z1E, a monitor, Final Cut Pro HD etc. I also need to stick to this budget as if I go over the budget I have promised my client will not be pleased as it shows I have planned it properly and this may jeopardize future projects with my client.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Taylor's Proposal

My three ideas

Monday, 14 November 2011

Music video

I decided to borden my making a music video knowledge by making a music video to some original copyright free music for my friend
Here is the finished video

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Music Videos

History of music video
The Beatles started doing promo clips for their music to put on television then Bob Dylan did a video for his song where he had cards with some of the lyrics on and then in 1981 MTV started their channel to play music videos 24/7 so there was a high demand for music videos so artists all around had to make a music video which would also help them become a visual star. An example of people who became famous mainly because of her music videos.
Now there are tons of music channels that play their own genres all day.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

What we learnt last lesson

We learnt about keyframing in our last lesson this can be used to move text or images around and we also learnt how to create a logo with a transparent background on Photoshop then transfer it too final cut pro and use it. We did this by taking the background out of the mtv logo and making it the background transparent and then saving it as a TIFF file and saving the transparency. Key-framing i do different to what Sir showed. I go into motion and change either scale, rotation or center point i press the key-frame button and then move it alogn the timeline, then change the scale, rotation or center point again then click the keyframe button again and this will make it move

Thursday, 6 October 2011

This is our version of the song Rebecca Black - Friday.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Friday- Rebecca Black

This is the original music video to Friday by Rebecca Black which we did our own versions of

Friday, 16 September 2011

10 questions to final cut express

1. Is there chroma keyer in final cut express?
2. How can i have 3 shots in one scene?
3. How do i mark on the timeline?
4. How many tracks can i have at once?
5. I there a shortcut to spilt a shot?
6. is there a sepia effect?
7. can i crop my footage?
8. Can i rotoscope?
9. What quality can i render in?
10. Is there a blur effect?

Friday, 1 July 2011

The reason I have choosen Jpeg to upload these final versions of the logo i have created is because on the internet jpeg is the best quality that can be sent around easily and still maintains some good quality other than some other formats. For a billboard i would use a vector file because you can stretch it and it wont pixelate at all so it is perfect for billboards. I would use jpeg for a letter head too because all the tests i print were on jpeg and they had extremely good quality.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Revision and decisions

Revisions: From my sketches I have seen that i have changed or added a few more things to my designs, the main thing i have changed is that on the sketches i made all the logos the same colour but the final finished logo all had their own colour. Lock was red, Mixx was purple and Buzz is green.
Also i changed the font of them as in the sketches they were all the same font and looked exactly the same but then i changed them so they all were their own thing but with the same turntables

Decisions: I'm pleased with how the turntables turned out as they look good as before i was worried if i would be able to attach letters on top of them but it worked out nicely. I am also pleased with the fonts and colours i chose to give them as now they are their own thing but still belong to the family.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Mixx logo

5. I draw a line through the middle of the letters to link them together
4. I added the drop shadow effect to give it that coming at ou effect

3. Then i manually draw black-lines around the letters that weren't on the turntables just to make them more interesting

2. The I added a new layer with the two turntables and put them behind the two XXs and erased out the middle of the X so it seems to be print on the turntable.

1. I started with the constania font and wrote in MIXX in capital letters

Lock progress

5. Then i added a line through all the letters to link them together

4. I then added a drop shadow just to add a coming out at you effect

3. Then I added a black outline for the L & C

2. Then I added the turntables to OC

1. I started with this font called fairydustb

Buzz progress

5. I added a line going behind the text to join them all together.
4. In this installment I added drop shadow on to the B & U.

3.In this one i turned down the opacity on the ZZ

2. then I added the turntables and made the ZZ thinner

1. I started with this font called constania

My logo idea

Tuesday, 29 March 2011


After I finished editing the video on Final Cut Express I opened up file and selected using quicktime conversion which puts the video onto a quicktime file, after I exported it I knew that YouTube was compatible with Quicktime so I uploaded it on the 12lcm YouTube page and titled "Taylor's Ident"The reason i chose to put it on YouTube is because it is a well known website and it will probably get more views on there.

The Final Grid Ident

Friday, 18 March 2011

New costume change

The reason I have changed the costume is because the availability of the original costume has become impossible so I have changed to something more simple and better appealing to our target audience which are fun loving party people.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Location for Train Journey

This location is perfect because it is close to me, there are no barriers and we can easily film on the train because it is a quiet station.

Uploading and editing

Decisions: I have uploaded the establishing shots of sutton common train station and edited them in with some music i made, with a old black & white effect. This will be perfect to establish the set before we are introduce the story and characters.

Revisions: I have not used any of these previous shots in the finished project because i couldn't fit them in with the other shots because the new shots needed to all be put in as they were crucial to the narrative and the advert had to be a maximum of 30 seconds.

Decisions: I have been editing together the shots from Craig and George's performance on the train and have edited together without the establishing shots but I do have a shot that establishes the setting at the beginning when Craig gets on the train

Filming Sessions

Decisions: I decided to only film on the train itself even though I had planned to have a few more shots of Craig on the platform but I wouldn't have enough time to fit it all in 30 seconds which is how long the ident has to be and the train scene is more important.

Revisions: I realized that I had to establish the set so I decided to have a quick shot of Craig when the train arrives.

Results: Because I had so many shots to include I had to make the editing fast past which really worked  out well to the music.


I have had quite a big problem with my group as the other person in my group has left the course so I am now working independently by myself

Friday, 11 March 2011

Teacher Observation Unit 32

Teacher Observation Taylor Hiley

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Our Target Audience

This is a picture of our target audience who look like party goers
We are targeting to Male and Females between 19-30 and we decided that most of these people around these age probably have a job so when they get home they will probably want to get out of the work mind set so they will want to do something kooky and silly so that is why we show strange but funny things for the to un-whined so our ident will also respond to this as there is a guy in suit (coming back from work) seeing someone who is strange and then he joins in being strange by playing music from his briefcase.

Live type Title

We used a program called livetype were i designed our title for the Grid, the colours I used were pink and black because I like those combination of colours and they appeal to a wide variety of people, as girls like pink and boys like black. The font I used for it is called Rip tape and i got it from www, we had done some research before were we recreated a simialr effect with masking tape to see how it looked and we both agreed it was good, the reason I chose this is because the effect gives a kinda of urban culture feel. The effect I used to make an entrance with the words is called Text Static in this they glide in and also jump out towards the front give it an uneasy feel. Then the next effect is called random snap were it all goes into place an a random order on top of this effect is a red flash to give some more urban culture because it seems like a police siren and then to finish it off we give a simple fade away. all this with a a black background.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Casting decision for ident 1, ident 2 and ident 3

(left) Craig Hawker
(right) George Haywood

The reason I have chosen these two is because George looks and acts like a party animal which fits his character well because the character has just come back from a party, Craig is good for the part because he wears glasses which will make him seem smart which will work well with his character who is a business man who is on his way home from work.
I have also chosen these people because they both do the course and easy to get to for filming which makes them more accessible at the right times.

Storyboards for ident 1 (The Train Journey)

On screen graphics ident 1, ident 2 and ident 3